Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 11th November

Wednesday 11th November 2020, at 7:00 pm 

This year because of Covid 19 restrictions the AGM will be held virtually on Zoom. We will send a reminder e-mail to members with the minutes of last year’s AGM, our Annual Report and Annual Accounts two weeks beforehand.

All SCT members will be invited to request a Zoom link to the meeting.

Nomination and Election of Directors to Stow Community Trust Board 

If you would like to nominate someone to serve on the SCT board, please contact the secretary with the name of your nominee. Please ensure that the person who you are nominating is willing to accept the nomination beforehand. All nominees must live in the Parish of Stow and Fountainhall and be members of Stow Community Trust, at the time of the AGM.

There has been a lot happening over the past year and it will be great to have a chance to update you on our progress and our plans for next year.