Scottish Borders Council propose to carry out carriageway resurfacing works at two locations on Galashiels Road, Stow which will have an impact on access.
The proposed scheme will involve the resurfacing of the existing carriageway, localised drainage repairs and resetting of ironworks.
The resurfacing works will also include the junction areas of Church Wynd, Station Road and Townfoot.
To comply with current Health & Safety Legislation, it will be necessary to carry out the above works under a full Road Closure. The closure details are outlined below.

A7 Galashiels Road, Stow – South Section
Monday 15th to Friday 19th March 2021 between the hours of 9:00 and 16:30 daily.
A7 Galashiels Road, Stow – North Section
Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th March 2021 between the hours of 9:00 and 16:30 daily.
The above sections of road will also be subjected to parking restrictions. Parking restrictions will coincide with the closure timings above.
Please note in the event of adverse weather it may be necessary to postpone the works.
SBC’s Passenger Transport and Refuse Teams will also be notified of these works.
Further information regarding these works will be posted on the Council’s website and social media pages.